Getting Started

Are you new to earthbag building and wondering how to get started? Here’s a list of helpful features we’ve put together on our website: Slide Show: This is the largest collection of earthbag photos available on the Internet. Photo captions provide key facts for follow-up research. Earthbag Videos: All the best videos are assembled … Read more

Insulating Earthbag Walls with Tube Sandbags

My earlier post about Earthbag Building in Cold Climates on January 17, 2009 piqued some interest. Since energy performance on most buildings can be improved with insulation, including those made of earth — adobe, earthbag, etc. — I decided to pursue this idea further. So here’s another method for insulating earthbag buildings using tube sandbags, … Read more

The Beauty of Earthbag Homes

In my opinion nothing beats the warmth and rustic beauty of natural materials. Many people choose natural building materials to save money, and that makes perfect sense. But let’s not overlook design aesthetics. A home is much more than just an assemblage of materials. Natural materials have a way of seamlessly blending everything together, turning … Read more