Ty Twt Small Strawbale House in Wales

Hartwyn strawbale house external cladding
Hartwyn strawbale house external cladding

“This project in Powys, Wales was set in a small clearing in an Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) woodland. The client wanted to blur the lines between interior and exterior and create something that fits into the landscape. The house had to be eco-friendly, healthy to live in and affordable.

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Strawbale Getaway – Crestone, Colorado

Exterior view of the Strawbale Getaway in Colorado
Exterior view of the Strawbale Getaway in Colorado

“This strawbale home was designed to relate to the surrounding environment and serve as a welcoming retreat for friends and family. The multinational owners, wanted to uphold the inherent character of the majestic site – located at the cusp of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and the San Luis Valley floor – throughout the process and in the final result. Designed to merge into its natural setting and link occupants with the outdoors, this Colorado home was also constructed to be energy efficient, sustainable and green in all aspects of the process.

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The Case for Using Sustainable Building Materials

This article launches my new blogging gig at Mother Earth News, the leading US publication on sustainable living. Recently, I had an epiphany in a building supply center while looking at the thousands of products used to construct modern buildings. Even though I’ve been in the building trades for over 35 years and made countless … Read more