About Our Earnings

Website owners are supposed to indicate on their sites the ways that they may earn from the sites. We earn in the following ways:

  • By selling products we have created, such as ebooks, DVDs, and house plans
  • By placing ads on the site
  • By earning a commission if you click through to Amazon.com and some other sites and makes a purchase. This does not affect your cost.

We love what we do, and appreciate that we can earn from it.

7 thoughts on “About Our Earnings”

    • I’ve only touched on the main points about seament. You’ll have to do your own research to learn all the details. I’m pretty sure there is a book on seament.

  1. I’ve spent an entire day 1/2 combing through your website. AMAZING info. The investment of time & high quality info is impressive. I’ve learned SO such valuable info on how to build an earthbag home… You’ve given a LOT for free. (the LEAST I can do is pay u back something). Right now I’m most interested in your Earthbag Building Guide ($20) & DVD for ($28). Would you consider selling both as a special pack (e.g. both for $35)

    • Thanks. The book and DVD have to be purchased separately because they’re on completely different platforms (different vendors and payment systems).

  2. I just found your site, and have to say that using the ambient temperature of the earth as part of your energy strategy is outstanding…but I know that there is a lot more here than I have seen yet…so I am going to dig in and learn…thank you for this site, I am a believer in the notion that less is more, and love to see the myriad of answers to that concept.

    • Thanks for writing. We have over 2,000 pages of free information on our numerous websites. See links on right side of page.


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