10 Sustainable Construction Materials

parametric-architecture.com has made a list of 10 sustainable building materials shown below. Due to its quick growth and low environmental impact, bamboo has become quite popular. It is incredibly flexible, adaptable, and resilient, and it may be employed in construction for both structural integrity and beautiful aesthetics. Straw bales are a material that is both renewable … Read more

Drakoni House in Crete Preserves Stone Heritage

Drakoni House is a 19th-century stone building converted into a holiday home in Crete. It has been uninhabited since 1920. Alterations to the traditional building were kept virtually unnoticeable from the outside and easily reversible in the future. The least possible construction interventions were made, mainly focusing on the restoration and reinforcement of the stone … Read more

Cross Cabin Prioritizes Plant-Based Products

Greg Esparza designed Cross Cabin for his young family in Austin, Texas. It prioritizes plant-based products, from its cork-clad, cross-laminated timber enclosure and interior walls to the use of laminated paper as a hard surface material for showers and countertops. The project pushes the environmental paradigm that architectural value can arise from how a building … Read more

What Are “Passive Houses?”

In 1988, two physics professors, Bo Adamson and Wolfgang Feist began discussing the scientific components that might lead to better energy efficiency in building construction. They read the research, dating back to the 1970s, that suggested it was possible to construct a low-energy building that was designed to exploit passive solar technologies and establish a … Read more