Cheap and Easy Solar Heater

Cheap and Easy Solar Heater by Vela Creations
Cheap and Easy Solar Heater by Vela Creations

“The unit takes one person two days to construct, one day to install, and costs under $100. The temperature inside the unit easily reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit on a 50-degree day, and can be blown into the house using a fan that pulls less electricity than a light bulb.”

More at Vela Creations Instructable
Vela Creations

3 thoughts on “Cheap and Easy Solar Heater”

  1. I am unable to find more info on the “Cheap and Easy Solar Heater” that you posted on August 30th. Can you please let me know how to find out more about this project? I went to the Vela Creations site but was not able to locate the project.


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