Patti Stouter has started a line of t-shirts, cups and posters that promote earthbag building.
Have you ever wanted a shirt to announce that there really are buildings made of earth?
I just got a few designs online that I had been mulling over. I’d like to see some solidarity between all the different kinds of earth builders, too, so I didn’t put my business name on these shirts. And I’ve tried to list a lot of the main ways earth builders build. We all want to see more people building with raw earth, however they do it!
Let me know if you can think of some simple ways to improve this, or if you can translate any into French!
Zazzle is one of the less expensive web stores.
You can rate my stuff there or like it on facebook. If I get a buck or two from each, it can help with my on-going expenses.
Patti Stouter
Very cool. Do you already have the Spanish version?
Someone has volunteered to translate the book into Spanish. No idea how long it will take. The process will include using an editor to double check for mistakes.
That’s terrific, although I was talking about the t-shirt :).
On the other hand if you need extra proof-readers for the Spanish book translation Daniel and I are more than willing to help out.
Great. I’ll be in touch when the book is ready.
Contact Patti about t-shirts in Spanish: