“We have upgraded that letter of warning and refusal to the power company and it no longer fits in the allotted space here. You can find that by going to: jerryday.com On that home page, scroll down, way down, you will pass a large picture of an electric meter and a document called “Public Notice” (you will want to hang that on your electric meter).
Right below that is some short instructions titled TEXT OF LETTER FOR POWER COMPANY. The letter is right below that. Copy/paste that letter into your word processor, edit it according to the instructions, and send it to your power company. The sooner the better. They are sneaking these meters onto people’s homes by the thousands.
If you already have a digital meter (bad) go to FreedomTaker.com for a special legal notice forms (“Demand For Removal”, free download) and safe analog meter replacement kits ($69.95) legal notice forms and instructions included.
Take back your power! If you have questions, there is an email address and phone number at the bottom of the home page at FreedomTaker.com.”
I’ve seen plenty of arguments for and against the introduction of smart meters. With British Gas enforcing these in our homes I see it as an invitation to help reduce your carbon footprint by watching the amount of energy we use.
Maybe, but at what cost to your health and privacy? I’ve heard the signal can be hacked into fairly easily. At minimum, people should have the right to opt out.
From GreenWin at E-Cat World:
Blowback against the intrusive “smart meter” continues as NSTAR Electric, Massachusetts largest utility tells Dept. Public Utilities smart meters are BS: http://bit.ly/1iiA8F2
“It’s a really, really stupid grid,’ said James Woolsey, ex-CIA
director, about the “smart” meter network. A criminal with a laptop and some know-how can ascertain whether someone is home or not, and shut off your power with a cell phone!”
Move off the grid and have a small solar setup.If this bothers you that much.
Fits right in with the ability to control your power usage remotely.I remember Ca. wanting to do this.
The smart grid is an international program that’s attempting to connect every home and business. It’s happening right now.