Drought Busters: Restoring Desertified Desert Grasslands

Busting Drought for $10 per Acre from Christopher Gill on Vimeo.

“We call the combination of wild animals, planned grazing, water harvesting, and Keyline subsoiling “Drought Busters”. Drought Busters is cheap, fast, poisons no plants, kills no animals, and increases the numbers and diversity of both. Drought Busters can’t make it rain, but it will make actual rain more and more effective, which is practically the same thing.”

More at the source: Circle Ranch
This is exactly the type of thing I discussed in a previous blog post: Restoring Degraded Land
Thanks to Abe for this tip.

5 thoughts on “Drought Busters: Restoring Desertified Desert Grasslands”

  1. Bless you for being willing to address issues many ignore. The last tragedy of the dust bowl needed a voice from the people who knew the grazing land. Hopefully yours will be heard and headed in spite of big money intrests. We once saw this counties land as a patriotic stewartship. Wish you all the best and thnk you for all your efforts.

    • This is a VERY serious problem that needs more attention. I saw a documentary last night with a UN map that showed about half the world in red (severe soil degradation) or orange (serious soil degradation). The best remaining soil is in Canada and Russia. Most of the rest of the world is in bad decline. So this is a topic that really calls to me. How can we as average people take land like this and improve it affordably? It seems no one else is going to stop the loss of soil.

  2. This is practical and inspirational. It shows us natural ways to restore our planet! The music and visuals in this video are very good–emotionally satisfying. And the various practical techniques that make up Drought Busting work so well together–it is a winning combination! There is hope!

    • No one has answered my question: Where are the large scale projects now that we know this works? The same thing happens again and again. Ex: Geoff Lawton showed how to green the desert, yet we don’t see larger scale experiments. His project is about 10 years old. What’s going on???

      Same is true with other very promising technologies like earthbag building. After 55 or so earthbag buildings survived the Nepal earthquakes with little or no damage it seems like a university or major organization like the UN would have stepped forward to study this in more depth.

  3. I love the simple, low cost, minimal labor approach because it can be scaled across counties, states and even countries. So now that we know this works, where are the large scale programs???


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