Baza Ulmu permaculture centre from Resilience Images on Vimeo.
“Video documentation of Wwoofing experience the county of Maramuresh, Romania. We travellled to Romania in the summer of 2013. Thanks to the wwoofing website (willing workers on organic farms) we were able to visit one of the first earthbag building sites in the country.
The brothers Lucien and Andrei together with Andrei’s wife Roxana are developing a permaculture centre on the land of their grandparents. At the moment they are building an eco dome structure and they are giving lessons in permaculture to volunteers and visitors.
We found lots of knowledge, passion, inspiration and friendship. Thank you!”
Looks like they’re on their way to having a nice home. Growing the food along with it and sharing their knowledge plus, the volunteers is great. I’m wondering if they got their “how to” on building from you Owen?