Bag stands can speed the bag filling process. Doni and Kaki provide details for building bag stands in their excellent book Earthbag Building: The Tools, Tricks and Techniques. I like using a “bucket chute” — a plastic bucket with the bottom cut out. Here we present two commercially available bag stands for those who don’t want to make one. Note: our general advise is to fill the bags on the wall to minimize labor. There may not be room on the wall to use these commercially available bag stands. It’s far easier to lift buckets of soil than full bags.
Sandbagging Frame (Click on product name to go to website.)
– Removable legs to enable storage in small space
– Saves bending while holding the bag
– Prevents knuckle injuries that might occur when one person is holding the bag while another one shovels the material in
– Suits hesian bag size (230mm wide) and silt bag size (250mm wide)
![sand-bagging-frame Sandbagging Frame](
SandHopper (Click on product name to go to website.)
– One person fills fast
– Easier and safer
– No power source required
– Take it where you need it
– Lessens backstrain and fatigue
– The HopperHook (optional) attaches the Sandhopper to the delivery vehicle, enabling filling of bags directly from the source.
![sandhopper Sandhopper Bag Stand](
Is there a place to purchase in Canada?
I suggest that you query the particular manufacturers about this. There are links to their websites.
price please
You’ll have to contact the manufacturer.
Just click on the titles SandHopper or Sandbagging Frame. The links are built into the text (as we always do).
Can you please refernce a website that describes this product. It looks good. Thanks