Hello All! We are holding an Introduction to Earthbag Course in Joshua Tree, CA on the 25th of January at 9am-5pm. We will be giving basic information about the techniques, design, and creative properties that earthbag construction entails. Please join us if you can to enjoy the day (it’s always sunny in the desert.) Also see our links below to keep updated with what is going on in our neck of the desert; and sometimes woods.
Thanks again and have a great New Year!
United Earth Builders
Web: http://www.unitedearthbuilders.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Earthbuilder
TW: https://twitter.com/Earthbuilders
Hello Owen,
i missed that amazing earthbag workshop
when is the next one taking place ?
When is their next workshop? Have to ask them. Also check our Workshop page: http://earthbagbuilding.com/workshops.htm
I’m currently working on a plan to build earthbag houses in India. Let me know if anyone is interested. The goal is to build the absolute lowest cost houses imaginable using mostly recycled materials and natural materials.
Fox and James who hosted this workshop are great. Would highly recommend!
They’ve got it! In rain or sunny weather, earthbags is the way to go.
This comment was in the spam folder like Jay’s. It’s not practical for me to wade through all that trash to find one out of 100 comments. (We gets tens of thousands of spam comments.) Let’s hope our web host figures this out soon.