Natural Building and Permaculture in Cuba

The recent normalization of relations between the US and Cuba has opened up travel opportunities in Cuba. This reminded me of a natural building conference in Cuba about 12 years ago that was a big success. Apparently there’s lots of natural building in Cuba in out of the way places (largely out of necessity). This information isn’t widely published due to the remote locations and the political situation. There’s likely a treasure trove of things that could be learned for those who have the time and money to explore what’s going on there.

Power of Community

“The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil is a project of the Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions, a non-profit organization that designs and teaches low-energy solutions to the current unsustainable, fossil fuel based, industrialized, and centralized way of living.” Visit for more information.

Here are a few links that turned up with a quick Internet search:
The Urban Farmer

1 thought on “Natural Building and Permaculture in Cuba”

  1. richt now I am looking at the roof of the underground garage, next to my apartment in central Brussels, Belgium. when will people join me to grow food in bins there! plenty room here and the roof garage is very strong to hold. thank you so much for this film. I hope many see and understand! U.S. and Europe too. thank Cubans!!!! jehane and permaculture everywhere!


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