Off Grid Crockpot?

“Jocelyn at Wheaton Labs walks us through another important part of self reliant living. These cooking methods can save you fuel and allow you to conveniently cook food while you are away from home without danger of fire or power usage.”

Check out Wheaton Labs at haybox cooker thread
Check out Dirtpatchheaven who’s been putting out some very useful videos lately.
Related story: Retained heat cooker (haybox cooker)
Did you catch the tip in the video about connecting an actual crockpot inside a thermal box to a solar panel? Be sure to buy a good quality crockpot though. Some brands will scorch food on the sides so it doesn’t taste good.

4 thoughts on “Off Grid Crockpot?”

  1. Haybox cookers were popular in WWII and I use them myself. I have found very low watt slow cookers that hold up to 3lb roasts and use those on solar. I also use the black crock pot insert and lid in a solar cooker outside…works amazing.

    • How do people find low watt slow cookers? I looked a while back and couldn’t find them. I must have been using the wrong search term.


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