7 thoughts on “Permaculture Paradise at Alex’s PermaGarden – Part 1”

  1. This is a heads up for Owen and Kelly.

    I’m not certain where the best place to drop these links, so I put them here.

    It’s a YouTube channel that I suspect you’ll want to bookmark and check back on regularly. Very high quality videos, and the subject matter is right down the strike zone of your favorite topics.

    Here are a couple of videos to pique your interest, each might be worthy of a blog post, if you choose.

    My favorite moment of this video is the ash sack. I can’t recall anyone showing the ash in that way before to illustrate their point so clearly. Oh… and check out the house the heater is inside. If you ignore the lived-in clutter, it’s a nice house.


    Here is another fascinating video. My favorite part of this video is how this couple got the local bylaws changed. They got 29066 people to all send emails to every council member. Overfilled their inboxes I bet! How awesome is that? Well, about as awesome as their garden, new friendships among neighbors, and their dramatically improved health!


    More videos where those came from at:



  2. Please keep in mind it isn’t the plants or wood chips that correct damages such as toxic metals, radioactive waste, etc…but the microbes in healthy, living soil. The plants send messages to the microbes for certain elements, and so on…(keyword: soil food web and Ingham).

    Some people call it, bioflora. The bioflora mix in your area will be based on the needs of the ecology. So, it is best to “capture” microbes rather than buy prepared concoctions.

    Paul Stamets is a fabulous recommendation. Bravo.

    Brilliant people at places like EMRO make mudballs packed with microbes and toss them into polluted rivers.


    They also have research about using beneficial microbes in building construction.

  3. Carroll,

    Google “Paul Stamets Remediation”.

    He is probably the world’s premiere expert on toxic remediation using fungi.

    Many excellent articles and YouTube videos of his lectures. His scientifically proven insights will open your eyes to the possibilities.

    There are others out there that know how to break down toxins with plants, but Paul is probably the most successful and the most renowned the planet.

  4. Very Informative. I never heard of a plant that takes out the toxins and breaks leaded paint down. I wonder where he lives. I also appreciate his use of wood. I, myself use this method but, I admit the wood I use is pretty broken down or on the verge of breaking down before I put it into the soil. It doesn’t seem to do anything but help it. I have used semi fresh natural wood that’s fallen from trees and used it as a border and let it break down and that’s worked well too. I’m going to have to look up different plants that grow in my area that are natural bee attractors and plant or transplant(if possible)them to grow wild. Good post Owen.

  5. Now you are finally heading in the right direction. The microbes he describes that “grow” soil can be attracted, fed and cultivated. They can also be put into the building materials you like to write about, even concrete and paint.

    These microbes make your building a living entity that can repel heat, overwhelm toxic metals, increase oxygen, and promote general health and well being like most holistic practices. You can use the word, probiotic, if defined correctly.


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