“This octagon house was built as a ‘granny cabin’ with tornadoes in mind. After Hurricane Katrina tore down his house Paul built himself a dome and his mom an octagon. This is what he has to say about it!”
“This octagon house was built as a ‘granny cabin’ with tornadoes in mind. After Hurricane Katrina tore down his house Paul built himself a dome and his mom an octagon. This is what he has to say about it!”
Hello, congratulations for your building solution against hurricane, but i live in the caribbean and we have the same problem with hurricanes and hard raining seasons, i am building engineer and i am looking for a similar solution and i have a question what can we do to protect the house against the flood before and after the hurricane, and i think the house have to be built over stilts to protect it, excuse for my poor english
You’ll have to adjust the design to fit the location. Yes, some sites will require stilts.