Few or No Building Codes in Rockcastle County, Kentucky

Beautiful Rockcastle County, Kentucky
Beautiful Rockcastle County, Kentucky

“Just wanted to chime in that we (Joana, Michael & Loren) are building in Rockcastle County, Kentucky and there are no building codes or regulations. We asked at the courthouse where the building regulations department was when we were thinking about buying the piece of property we are currently building on….they said with a certain measure of pride “Do you see a codes and regulations department in this courthouse? The people don’t want it!”

We have 62 acres and are open for visitors and possible long-term/permanent residents to join us on this beautiful land!

So there seems to be no building codes or regulations at all. It is one of the most impoverished counties in the country, many people live in trailers. We’re building an Appalachian-style log cabin with hand tools. We’ve cut all the tulip poplar with a broad axe and collected all the water reed for the thatch roof. Construction resumes this spring and we invite whoever wants to come help us build and learn together!

Advantages of living in our area — a great community of progressive-minded people in our valley, 3+ generation range of age, weekly gatherings and events in community, Berea College very close (progressive college with free tuition for certain demographics), steady four seasons, abundant year-round springs that we drink from, very diverse flora & fauna, no fracking in area, no agriculture in area (people grow hay with their land).”

Contact us at this email. Thanks!
Michael Beck michael@thepoosh.org

18 thoughts on “Few or No Building Codes in Rockcastle County, Kentucky”

  1. We are planning on moving to rockcastle county ky. We have a tiny house and are planning on living as best we can off grid

  2. there certainly are building codes in this county. Just google the county and “residential codes”. The idea that people can truly believe that anything goes anywhere as far as building things is nuts. Human waste carries disease and all this yak about “natural living” ignores the reality that what we do affects others.

    • I think there’s far more disease going around in cities than there is in human waste in the country side. The Amish have already proven time and again that there is no health concerns with p00ping in outhouses. The companies and government that gets rich off regulations started the septic scam. And septics breed and spread far more contamination than a turd out in the open air. Prove me wrong.

  3. I found this forum after falling in love w a property in Rockcastle KY. I’m excited about buying it and building an earth bag home w my 12 y/o son! Let me know if anyone else has built one there yet. I would love to meet some others in the area who have eco friendly homes :) and anyone into homesteading.

    • Hello Andrea, my name is Andrea too. Lol just had to first mention that. Secondly, I absollove earth bag homes. Tried to convince my hubby we should build one because it’s so time and energy consuming! I’d love to hear if you and your son were able to accomplish or getting there with your home! Also, what you learned or would do differently?

  4. What are the requirements in Rockcastle County KY concerning outhouses, cant seem to find information about it. Thank you!

  5. Looking to move to Kentucky with my family to find likeminded folks asap. Hoping this website and ideas are not expired since the majority of the post are 2yrs old. Can someone please contact us as we are closing in less than 40 days on selling our home and have no where to go except boondocking with our camper until we find something in Kentucky

    • You might contact the folks who wrote about living there and see if they have any updates. Their email address is posted at the end of the post.

    • I’m looking to move the area and set up up an off-the-grid Wilderness tile Retreat for myself or I would live alone and enjoy nature would love to talk to somebody in the area is already been through this is what to expect will be in the area in June checking things out would love a chance to talk with you

  6. My husband and I are looking for a place to set up a temporary rv site but we are having no luck. I read this article and have become hopeful. We want to travel full time, but have family in the area and need to visit for a few weeks at a time several times a year. Is Rockcastle County a possibility for us? We only need some land, water, electric, and a small septic. Can you advise?

  7. Hey Joshua! We’d love for you and your wife to come visit us, discuss dreams and goals and see how our lifestyles match up.

    From here, I’d appreciate moving this conversation to a private message/email/phone realm. Are you Joshua Park on Facebook? I’ve added you as a friend with hopes that you are — we can talk on there, sound alright?

  8. Hello. I am a former Berea College student. My wife and I are into sustainable design, and might be interested in building a house on your land. Are you selling parcels of property? Would you be okay with a straw-bale house vs earth bag being built there?


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