DIY Low Cost Insulated Earthbag Scoria Blocks

Large, homemade, insulating blocks can be aligned with a simple rotating arm.
Large, homemade, insulating blocks can be aligned with a simple rotating arm.

I realized it would be easy to make giant earthbag scoria blocks with raschel mesh bags, scoria (lightweight lava rock) and quick setting cement mortar or glue. The basic block making process involves forming the scoria blocks in simple wooden forms and then curing in the shade. The dome is built using standard brick dome building methods that brick masons already know or knowledge can be readily found on the Internet and in books.

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Idaho modern oldtimer builds underground & solar $50 houses

“Mike Oehler lived for over 30 years in an underground home that he built for $50 (and expanded for $500) on his land in Northern Idaho near the Canadian border. Now in his seventies his arthritis keeps him from hiking up to his home, but he continues to “write and proselytize”

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