“This training took place December 2011 in Nariño, the southern border of Colombia with Ecuador. During 2 days we gave all the basic construction tools to a bunch of very happy and enthusiastic locals which were amazed at learning a new earth based construction method, an evolution of their own local architecture!”
I Will continue building my 3 little under earth bag domes in thé Mojave desert, 50 miles west of Las Vegas, near terrific Hot mineral spas, check out Tecopa. Bring, your sleeping gaer, working gloves, from March through june, if some stay! Possible! Let’s!!! Growing, create bag. Walls, throme walls and?,whatever we invent. Space for creating! Check out my dôme building album on face book. So greatful to your many good ideas, people, places! Thanks Owen, jehane
Jehane’s facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/139647792862848/
“purple Domes for the win” quote our 11 year old. our 5 year old has told us her dome must be this color because it’s perfect for her. lol love this
I have your video AND eBook but, I wanted to know if there’s OTHER ways?
There are often lots of options. I try to show and describe the most common and most practical.
I forgot one thing. Do you just cut the tube ends and fold them over and lay them in place or are there electric sealers like you see for sealing your food in bags at home that are used? I’m thinking when you start a new coarse/course. Thanks.
Tie the ends or twist the ends and fold them under.
Very nice building. There site is one of the best I’ve seen so far. I’ve often wondered how you filled tubes and this showed it clearly. Are there other ways of doing it? If so, do you have pictures? Thanks Owen for showing this.
This is covered in detail in my ebook: https://naturalbuildingblog.siterubix.com/owens-book-dvd/
We have this project profiled at http://earthbagbuilding.com/projects/casavergarar.htm
This one is purple so I thought it was another house by the same architect.