Volunteer Reviewers Wanted for New House Plan Book

My new book 25 Small, Sustainable House Plans is nearly complete and I’m looking for a few skillful proofreaders/editors to review the book. It would be helpful if the reviewers had some basic knowledge of earthbag and strawbale building, although special knowledge is not required. Email me at naturalhouses [AT] gmail dot com. Very briefly (in a few sentences) give your proofreading qualifications/experience. Reviewers will be credited in the Credits section, plus receive a free digital copy of the book when it’s finished.

10 thoughts on “Volunteer Reviewers Wanted for New House Plan Book”

  1. Hi,

    I am more than happy to edit your book. Currently taking a year off to travel the world undertaking builds within the poosh community. I have a degree and have been proof reading other people’s writing for my work for the last four years.

    For evidence of my writing please see above link.

    Happy to help.



    • Thanks. I’ll email you soon.

      We now have 15 reviewers and so I’ll be cutting this off soon so we can proceed as a group with the editing.

  2. Hi Owen. I am 50 years old, English, 3 English qualifications. I studied printing, including proof reading.
    I used to work as system tester, paid to spot errors. I am pedantic about spelling and grammar. I have read alot about alternative building techniques. It would be a pleasure to assist with your book.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  3. Hi Owen,

    I would be more than happy to volunteer my help. I have quite a few experiences proofreading some local books in Malaysia and have had some experience in natural buildings from workshops mostly. But I am well read in the subject and I believe I have a good command of English and will be able assist you. Let me know if you still require volunteers.


  4. Hi Owen

    If you like, I’ll volunteer-proofread your book. As you know, English is my third language, but I am still building with earthbags and other techniques. By the way, I am building a nice bungalow (earthbags, wooden uper structure with light-straw, a rocket mass heater, and pallet furniture). I will send you somephotes when ready.
    Best regards
    Cato Arce

  5. I would like to do some volunteer proofreading for you. I’m not a certified, credentialed editor, but have edited a book for publishing, numerous professional articles for publication, have typed and edited masters theses and doctoral dissertations and have good skills in spelling and grammar. While I was studying art in college, I illustrated a booklet for one of my professors.

    You can try me out if you wish. Send me a convoluted paragraph and let me fix it for you.
    I have a masters degree in counseling and an undergrad degree in Arts and Humanities. I am retired and have time to devote to your project. I am fascinated with earthbag construction, although have not created any projects yet.


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