$2,000 off grid tiny house tour

I love finding and studying really low cost houses. Even if they’re not perfect for your situation there’s still a lot that can be learned. To learn more about this $2,000 off grid tiny house build link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCI-iIqUvuE


2 thoughts on “$2,000 off grid tiny house tour”

  1. It’s great to see how ingenious that he has been in reusing and recycling materials, and adapting items such as turning a bowl into a sink, and using the striplights powered by the solar panel. The roof and guttering look solid too, and the loft has a good big area to store items. Good luck to him for getting it fully up and running before the winter season !

    Where technology and time allow, when producing these videos it might be a better technique to make at least some of it a series of still shots with a commentary underneath. The advantage is that the shots can be composed to show each aspect as best it can be. Stills are usually taken on cameras that have a flash facility; for instance on the video in question, we didn’t see all of the fridge compartment as it was in darkness, whereas a still camera with flash would have given good illumination. There is also the added advantage that if a web page follows, the still can be used for that too.

    Are there any guides available about making a tiny house tour video using still shots ?

    • Adding a few still shots within a video to highlight key features is a good idea. Slideshow videos composed entirely of still shots are typically boring in comparison to video.


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