“This week I’d like to take you on a photo tour of Brittany Yunker’s 165 s.f. tiny house in Olympia, Washington. If you enjoyed the video I did of the interior, this post should give you a better idea of what it’s like to move around the space. Be sure to leave a comment and let me know your impression. Remember too, that you don’t have to build a house this tiny to learn from the wisdom of this design. You could use these space-saving tricks on any house.
The house was mainly built by Brittany Yunker with her friends and family. A contractor friend did the plumbing and electrical. The overall cost was around $15,000 USD. If you’d like to find out how to arrange your own stay in this tiny house, check out Brittany’s website, www.BaysideBungalow.com.
Read more at the source: Alternative Homes Today.com
I love this concept, of living. Smaller is so much better. It is just wrong that we created all the “Stuff” in our life. Can you recommend any one? I live in Santa Fe NM. Close to Albq. NM
Very cool little place. So much for so little and if you don’t get claustrophobic then this is your kind of place. Her web site and the source were really good to see.
Not much is said about “Source Sites” that are provided but, it should be said that they are always something helpful. “Thanks” for these extra bonuses.
I could live in this very easily. And if something goes wrong with your job, local wild fire, etc. etc. just move it to another place. Somebody somewhere will gladly accept a little money for you to park your mobile tiny home. (Or trade work.)