Building with Cob

In this video Bryce explains the benefits and challenges of building with cob. Bryce teaches natural building and cob workshops in person and online. He has been building naturally for many years. Through a gathered awareness of self, ecology, and arcology (architecture + ecology), he has built and worked on several structures using locally sourced materials in raw, natural forms. He has worked with and learned from many natural builders, and has also explored many community structures and living environments giving him a broad perspective on effective and sustainable place-making.
Inspired by indigenous and ancestral knowledge, he now looks to expand and apply that knowledge to create a more resilient and compassionate future.

You can find out more about his courses on his website:

1 thought on “Building with Cob”

  1. Have worked on several strawbale and cob projects, just super fantastic buildings. Such a wonderful way to live. Looking forward to learning more.


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