Building with Earthbags in Nepal

Earthbag school in Nepal built by First Steps Himalaya volunteers.
Earthbag school in Nepal built by First Steps Himalaya volunteers.

“The small kindergarden built by FSH a few years ago was built in cement, but «in Nepal cement is really of very poor quality. Look at the walls: they are already cracked!» Durga complains. «For the training centre, we have decided that we would choose something different and, after a great deal of research, I found out about the earthbag technique … which seemed to me to be THE solution»

Is earthbag construction a far-fetched idea? Mickey, an american volunteer, who came to take part in the work, explains in a chuckle: « Most people have never heard of this technique. When I tell them that all we have to do is fill bags with earth and pile them up, few people think I am serious!» And yet this surprisingly simple technique is worth looking into more seriously.

Will other earthbag houses be built in the village following this project? What is definite is that First Steps Himalaya is not going to stop here, now that it has taken off! In the last few days, Durga can proudly announce us that the NGO has just been awarded new financial grants that he is already imagining how he can use them to build another earthbag building in his own village: «with the experience we have just gained, we will do even better and more quickly! ». For the time being the walls have been erected and now the work ahead is to coat the bags quickly since they cannot resist well to the UVs… We leave this joyful team and take to the road again towards Thailand…”

More at the source:

3 thoughts on “Building with Earthbags in Nepal”

  1. Hi,
    I’m interested for 10 years by alternative construction.
    I’m looking for a ‘earthbag’ project in Nepal who needs volunteers
    I am available for working 2 or 3 weeks From september

    If you needs help, please contact me.

  2. Congratulations to First Steps Himalaya for their successful build and for winning new grants to continue their work. They certainly deserve support and a lot of credit for their efforts. I look forward to learning about their future projects. **The ultimate is to see locals use earthbag building on their own to build houses and other structures. Like anything, people are slow to change and accept new ideas. But once they understand and fully accept it then it could spread throughout the whole region.


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