Our first blog post was back in November, 2007, almost seven years ago! Has it really been that long? Here it is: Earthbag Building Has Come a Long Way!
“This is how earthbag building started out decades ago — providing safe, bulletproof and bomb resistant shelters for the military that were fast and simple to construct. The same qualities that make earthbags useful for military and flood control purposes apply to building houses.” (There are lots of links in that old blog post to some of the best eartbag houses back then.)
Fast forward to today. Funny, here we are seven years later and so of course earthbag building (and other types of natural building) have grown and spread substantially. Back then I felt like I knew of most every project. Not so any more. We now realize there are thousands of people who prefer anonymity and do not publicize their projects. To each their own. But, we REALLY love it when people document their projects and freely share with others. This movement couldn’t continue growing rapidly without this type of selfless sharing.
I think Carroll put it beautifully. Thank you, Owen and Kelly (and lets not forget the ever patient spouses) for doing such a wonderful job. I look forward to reading many thousand more posts.
“CONGRATULATIONS” I had no idea how long you had been at this. I’m VERY thankful or otherwise I wouldn’t know as much as I do about building this intelligent way. There’s still much to learn and a lot more to discover. “Thanks My Friend” for keeping at it. “Thanks” to everyone who share their insights with those of us who appreciate their tried and true experiences in the world of alternative building. As the saying goes Owen…….you’re just getting started.
It’s amazing to me. Time really flies. 2,000 is a lot of blog posts. And there are over 11,000 comments.