“July 14th we started a Superadobe studio home as a part of shifting our space to our upcoming land. This is a 550 square feet studio home totally dedicated to a 13 year boy named Adhya Vriksha, who is trying to learn his own way in educating or self learning himself for his mother, family and community. Now we are in 18th day doing this natural building. Within 15 more days we will start living in our new space of mother’s womb.
We will update all the details used in this earthbag construction soon. Sadly we have a deadline to move from a beloved space to another beloved space… we still experiment with lov with earth :) Meet you all soon ….Thannal, in a shade of earthbag”
I am interested in constructing a sand bag construction farm house in my land at Trichy dt and ettaiyapurum Thoothukudi DT , could you able to do the work and regarding the above , whom i shall contact and when please do the needful
Warm regards
Mohan.k Trichy
You could message Thannal Hand Sculpted Homes at https://www.facebook.com/ThannalHandSculptedHomes
I am interested in constructing a sand bag construction farm house in my land at villupuram district,could you able to do the work and regarding the above,whom I shall contact and when.please do the needful.
Warm regards
You should be able to contact them at http://www.facebook.com/pg/ThannalHandSculptedHomes
How much it cost all together??? Cos I am from pune Maharashtra and got sick of city life so thinking of building one for myself….
I suggest that you click on the link to their Facebook page and contact them that way to find out more.
Is it totally, nessesary, to have a upper, bond beam. Of. Concrete?
It depends on the size, shape, and design of the building, wind and seismic loads. Wood/timber can be used if the house is small and simple and not in a seismic or hurricane type zone. (And no codes of course.)
Very nice work. The roof looks like layers of bamboo.
I believe it is woven coconut fronds.
That could be. You may have better eyesight than me. It appears there are layers. Is that right?