We are first generation farmers, establishing a small organic farm high in the hills near Mudgee, Australia. Our tools of choice are permaculture, regenerative agriculture, a heap of gumption and a dash of social enterprise. We also teach permaculture, go look at amazing stuff being done elsewhere, and push our two-year old on the swing under the loquat tree.
A couple of months ago we had the opportunity to build an earthbag dome at Milkwood Farm, and run a workshop while we built it. We jumped at the chance. We’d always wanted to try earthbag building, but where do you start with such a venture?
And so it was that over six days, Neil and Stella [of Guiding Star Creations] guided us and 20 other workshop participants through the dirty, intricate but surprisingly simple process of raising an earthbag dome from the soil of Milkwood. It was one hellava week.
Read the rest of the story at Milkwood Farm.
Many thanks for the link! We did have such a great time… thanks for creating such an awesome Earthbag resource –
We look forward to reading your upcoming reports and seeing the final project. Kelly Hart will likely turn this into a Project page at EarthbagBuilding.com when you have everything pulled together.