Mindfulness Project Dome: Just a Short Ways to Go

The Mindfulness Project meditation dome (a test structure for their planned sustainable community) is nearly finished.
The Mindfulness Project meditation dome (a test structure for their planned sustainable community) is nearly finished.

We have been working hard the last days. Earthbag building is anything far from easy. But it is an incredible learning experience. Our teacher told us yesterday: “Problems make you learn! When something is easy, you just go to bed very satisfied, no problem. But when the problems occur you really need to find a solution. So you start searching, go to the internet, ask experts. After that you know a lot more, which you would not know, if the problem did not occur. Problems make you more knowledgeable.”

And it is amazing how much the meditation dome changes every day. It is kind of magic how this 5 Meter high structure comes into life with the help of so many different people. I would guess there have been some 100 people contributing time, energy, money and food to keep us going or come every day to get their hands in the dirt. Even from Bangkok people sending money for support from their small salary!

More interesting is, how people react on something, which is completely knew to them. Especially the professional construction worker, who is told to help us if we have questions. Every week I have a discussion with him, because he wants to use cement and without the plastering is not stable. Before my research, I did not know, that to produce one tonn of cement one ton of CO2 is produced. So cement is the number one cause of global warming. And when I tell him, that the roman dome has been plastered with lime (what we use instead) and tell him, that the Roman dome survived 2000 years, he keeps telling me, that Rome is not Thailand….

Read the rest at the Mindfulness Project
(Eventually all plans will be available for free on their website.)

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