Located on a working dairy farm on the edge of the South Downs National Park, this unique roundwood timber, straw bale and cedar shingle holiday cottage is the perfect spot to escape and unwind.
green building
Regen Villages
Desirable off-grid capable neighborhoods comprised of power positive homes, renewable energy, water management, and waste-to-resource systems that are based upon on-going resiliency research – for thriving families and reduced burdens on local and national governments.
Earthbag House in Ibicoara, Bahia Brazil
Is Green Architecture Missing a Footing?
Why Building Geometry Matters by Allen Dusault “In 1853 a rather eccentric gentleman named Orson Fowler published a book entitled, “The Gravel Wall and Octagon Mode of Building”. The book was a best seller of its day and it spurred a short-lived nationwide fad of building houses (and some barns) in an octagon shape, a … Read more
Ferrock Concrete
“David Stone is the brains behind a new patented concrete technology known as Ferrock, based on iron carbonate and incorporating largely recycled materials to produce (around 95%)! It’s showing promising signs as an alternative to concrete and a far greener building material.
No-Bake Martian Bricks
“Should we ever get human settlers on Mars, they’ll likely have to construct their buildings at least partially out of Martian soil. That said, it would be nice if they didn’t have to bring along a bunch of kilns, in order to fire that soil into bricks. Well, according to a NASA-funded study conducted at … Read more