More Ken Kern Building Ideas

Spiral stairway-fireplace from the Owner-Built Home
Spiral stairway-fireplace from the Owner-Built Home

Spiral home from the Owner-Built Home
Spiral home from the Owner-Built Home

Climate control from the Owner-Built Home
Climate control from the Owner-Built Home

Ken Kern traveled the world in search of innovative building ideas and reported his findings and ideas in The Owner Built Home. In my previous blog post about Kern, I said I would highlight more of his ideas. Well, here are three more ideas in addition to the Plunger Pile Floor System. Imagine hundreds of pages of ideas like this!

From the Kasparowitz blog: “Besides writing and selling books, Ken would answer questions and even give you a sketch through the mail for $10!! If you were then interested, he would actually draw up plans for your owner-built home.” [Ed. Hmm. Maybe I should do this?]

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