Benefits of Earth Sheltered Homes

Pete Bissonette has one of the about 650 homes Earth Sheltered Technology has built since it began in 1981. The company has houses in Minnesota and Wisconsin as well as in California and Alaska. “I loved every bit of building it,” Bissonette said. “I’m glad I made the decision to build it. I have no … Read more

Extruded Cob Bricks

Tavs Jorgensen of the Centre for Print Research in England has created a method of extruding cob into brick shapes that can be stacked in interlocking patterns. The process involves pushing different samples of cob through 3D-printed extrusion molds known as dies. Cob is made by combining subsoil, water and fibrous materials such as straw. … Read more

The 3-Day DIY Earthbag Root Cellar

This is not your typical completely buried, stone-encased, hand-dug cavern from the 19th century. This is a much simpler, quicker, and more modern method yet still effective. Things you’ll need: 3 steel cans with lids, a shovel, plywood, scrap wood, roofing screws, 6-inch deck screws, scrap insulation material, straw, sandbags, and lots of dirt. Step … Read more

Tasmanian Couple’s Off-Grid Life

Over the course of 13 years, Mira and Krsna’s property in Tasmania has grown to consist of a residential dwelling, yoga space, biodynamic garden and an Earthship. The Earthship is made primarily from tires, glass bottles and cob. It was built with the help of volunteers who came to learn the couple’s methods of earth … Read more

Separo House Features Traditional Iranian Materials

Separo House, located in the village of Separo, Iran was designed by Hypertext Architecture Studio. It features vaulted roofs that reflect regional architecture while providing essential shading and thermal comfort in the hot, arid climate. It is constructed primarily from adobe so its color echoes the nearby mountains. Its double-shell structure enhances indoor thermal comfort, … Read more

Awareness Ranch: Permaculture and Natural Building In Action

Awareness Ranch uses the ideas of permaculture design to grow food and create buildings. Following the adage of “think globally and act locally” they aim to provide a working model of sustainable agriculture and construction which can be replicated or adapted to many settings. By cultivating an awareness of our interconnected world, they believe we … Read more