“The 2007/2008 Thesis year at Rural Studio was charged with designing the “20K House”. This project is based on a government loan known as the Section 502 Mutual Self-Help Housing loan. This is a subsidized loan created to help those with extremely low incomes to reach the goal of home ownership. $20,000 is the smallest loan amount provided through the 502 government program. Therefore the goal of the 20K house is to build a home for approximately $10,000 in materials and $10,000 in labor. This home provides the owner with an alternative to the prevalent trailer, which depreciates over time and leaves the client in a downward spiral of debt and destitution. The 20K house aspires to be warm, dry, safe, and hopefully a beautiful home for all those who qualify for the loan.”
Auburn.edu PDF
Thanks to Cliff for this find.
Note the black steel connectors that join the wood poles. That’s the main breakthrough.