Most communities across the US have left things in the hands of government to resolve. After many years of failed policies, corruption and mismanagement we’re now seeing the results. It’s encouraging to see communities like Sandpoint, Idaho actively taking steps to turn their communities around.
“Sandpoint received official designation as a Transition Town from the Transition Network, UK. Sandpoint is the second town in the US after Boulder, CO to receive this designation.
Since the “unleashing” of the first Transition Town, in Totnes, UK, the concept has been spreading quickly in the UK and around the world. There are currently worldwide 75 officially designated transition initiatives and over 600 communities thinking about it.
Vision: To create a sustainable, resilient, & vibrant community in the greater Sandpoint area.
Mission: To develop an energy descent action plan (EDAP) for the greater Sandpoint community. To work inclusively throughout the community. To develop effective projects that supports the vision.
The Sandpoint Transition Initiative (STI) is a local group in the town of Sandpoint, Idaho, that aims to bring the community together, develop practical solutions and improve the quality of life for everyone.
The goal of this initiative is to rebuild local resilience, reduce carbon emissions and achieve independence from un-renewable energy and other resources.
Solutions will involve relocalization of our community’s needs. Together, these will form the backbone of a local Energy Descent Action and Sustainability Plan.
This timetabled road map will define the steps leading towards a life that has minimal reliance on fossil fuels and dramatically lowers carbon emissions and profits from the abundance of resources and capabilities within our communities.
Current / Ongoing Projects:
– Pedestrian Crossroads Flags
– Sandpoint Community Garden
– Folk School
– Local Energy Production Pilot
– Edible School Yards”
Sandpoint Transition Initiative
Image source: Seattle Met (fun story about a town visit by the author)
This is amazing. It needs to catch on, be promoted in a big way, all across North America. Thanks for sharing this news.