From Naveed: After trying to manage a business in the states and Pakistan, I have decided to list my complete Habitech small scale production system for sale. With licensing fees and shipping to Pakistan the system was well over $45,000 USD. The system contains 4 manual presses, a large mixer, concrete joist moulds, septic tank moulds, roof tile machine, stair mould, etc. I can give you several detailed lists of what is included and my bill of sale.
compressed earth block
On-Site Earth Block Production
“Hello Owen, We’re excited to announce a new venture to produce structural masonry from diverted excavation right at the building site. Rather than haul off the excavation then import building materials, we think it makes sense to repurpose the waste material into building materials used right at the construction site.
Safido Interlocking Brick Machine
Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs), also called earth blocks or CSEBs is one of the most popular natural building methods in part because bricks are well accepted and understood by builders, and because the walls go up fairly quickly. Thin walls take up minimal space in urban areas where lots are small and expensive. Interlocking bricks add stability. And, of course, the main material is clay which is dirt cheap.
Habitech Earth Block Building
“Habitech Center is a research and development center for building components and building technology at the School of Engineering and Technology (SET) of Asian Institute of Technology, Pathumthani (AIT), Thailand.
Compressed Earth Block Wall Build – Dwell Earth
“Training for an old style of compressed earth block. Dwell Earth traveled to South Africa to train locals techniques in the production of compressed earth blocks using the Dynabloc LM 714 machine.
CETA Ram Block Press

“by Roberto Lou Ma, Civil Engineer, Centro de Experimentación enTecnología Apropiada, Guatemala
The CETA-RAM is a manually operated block press, developed by the author just after the February 1976 Guatemalan Earthquake, specifically for the production of hollow soil-cement building blocks. The hollow blocks are intended for use in reinforced masonry for low cost earthquake resistant housing.The CETA-RAM is a modified version of the well known CINVA-RAM.