Our Tropical Forest Garden and Homestead Update: One Year+ Later

Tour of our finished homestead. The forest garden is now a lush haven for humans and native wildlife. Our banana plants are around 9’-16’ high and producing nicely.

After a long delay, I’m posting another video about our homestead and forest garden. Everything is pretty much finished except small odds and ends. In summary, the project is a major success on many levels – personally, affordability goals, improved health from working in the garden and eating better, and just plain fun and rewarding. It’s great being in nature. It’s definitely been one of the best projects of my life.

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Bhaskar Save, the Gandhi of Natural Farming

“Bhaskar Save – the acclaimed ‘Gandhi of Natural Farming’ – completes 92 years. He has inspired and mentored 3 generations of organic farmers. In 1997, Masanobu Fukuoka, the legendary Japanese natural farmer, visited Save’s farm. He described it as “the best in the world”, even better than his own farm.

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No Work Zero Budget Natural Farming

Millions of farmers in India (the video says hundreds of thousands) have already stopped using chemicals and GMO crops and have switched to natural farming methods. The movement is growing rapidly. One state in India, Sikkim, has gone 100% organic. They’re starting to kick Monsanto’s butt and the petro-chemical industry’s butt.

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