Curtis Stone, The Urban Farmer, explains how he built his cold climate greenhouse in Canada. As usual for The Urban Farmer, the video is packed with interesting details. Note his comments on how he saved $10,000 by avoiding the common trap of overengineering. Curtis Stone’s videos and book explain how to make $100,000 farming ½ acre you don’t own.
greenhouse design
What Type of Greenhouse Should You Build?
“Today we’re going to take a look at several types of greenhouses. These are just some of the more popular styles and there are many variations. It’s simply some information to help provide some food-for-thought when you are ready to build one.”
Thermal Banking Greenhouse Design
“Steven Schwen of Earthen Path Organic Farm (Lake City, Minnesota) has built an innovative greenhouse that allows him to extend his growing season while reducing energy costs. SARE’s Farmer-Rancher Grants program provided critical assistance for Schwen in the beginning phases of his project.”