Fellowship for Intentional Community

The Fellowship for Intentional Community publishes a magazine, newsletter and blog as well as conferences, workshops, festivals, retreats, and other events which are of interest to communities.
The Fellowship for Intentional Community publishes a magazine, newsletter and blog as well as conferences, workshops, festivals, retreats, and other events which are of interest to communities.

We believe that community is an essential building block for creating a cooperative and sustainable world. The structures and wisdom of community are both a means and an end to meeting the needs of all people and the planet, and must be available, understood, appreciated, and developed. We envision cooperative communities of all kinds working together to meet these needs.

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Natural Building Workshops at Bottom Leaf Intentional Community

Earthbag building at Bottom Leaf Intentional Community
Earthbag building at Bottom Leaf Intentional Community

“Hello Owen, we’ve listed some more natural building workshops at Bottom Leaf Intentional Community. Next will be a bottle wall then an earth plastering workshop. Our last in this series will be building an earthen floor but we haven’t listed that one yet.

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Middle Wood: Living in an Eco-Community

“In this video I take you to a place where I used to live. Its name is Middle Wood; located East of Lancaster, near the small village of Wray. From the car park we walk to the communal area and then down the long path towards the river. During this time I’ll talk about my days of living there and what I faced.”

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Seeking the Good Life in America, Part 1

“Like many of us, Joy is not content with the high consumption modern lifestyle we live in the United States. So she journeys to three different intentional communities – places where people have chosen to share land and resources in all kinds of creative ways – and documents her experiences. The result is a fun and engaging crash course in sustainable living, thinking outside of the box, and finding positive solutions in an increasingly challenging world.”

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My Plan for an Intentional Community

“No one has to sell us about the pleasures of a small town. We know them well, if not from reality, then from the old Andy Griffith Show, or It’s a Wonderful Life. But the small town we all know best is the one deep in our heart, with its elm-shaded streets, little clapboard houses and picket fences, and gnarled fruit trees and run-amok vegetable gardens, where doors are never locked, and where shopkeepers stand in front of their shops and greet you, and the cop greets you, all by name,

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