Bio-Construction with Adobe or Earthbag Building

Low cost earthbag dome workshops in Puerto Rico
Low cost earthbag dome workshops in Puerto Rico

March 17 at Tres Amigos farm, Las Marías, Puerto Rico.

“A 6-hour hands-on and theoretical training facilitated by Fox McBride & Owen Ingley. We invite you to learn about tropical bio-construction with earthbags, an inexpensive, sustainable and easy to learn alternative; appropriate for the tropics and highly resistant to natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes and floods).”

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Internship Opportunity, Puerto Rico

We recently finished building the walls and structure of a 16′ diameter dome to be used as a healing center here in Puerto Rico. We are looking for someone to help finish the project in its final stages- plastering, floors, doors, windows, etc. Experience with building would be great, but not required. We will also … Read more