“Stan Leopard used to spend nearly two hours in the car each day commuting from his home in Mill Valley, CA to his office in San Francisco. Since he runs a small business and can choose where to locate the office, bought a live/work townhouse in a neighboring town and cut his commute to a flight of stairs.”
save money
The Alpha Strategy — Free E-book
Our blog post the other day discussed frugal living. Readers might be interested in Alpha Strategy: The Ultimate Plan for Financial Self-Defense for the Small Investor, a great free ebook that explains in detail how to prepare for uncertain economic times such as those we live in. Living frugally makes it more likely you’ll achieve your dreams.
Frugal Living
I’ve been browsing various frugal living websites and videos. It’s VERY inspiring to see what people are doing. What may seem somewhat off topic is actually at the heart of obtaining your dreams. The main idea is to slash your expenses and live simply so you can live the way you really want.