All American Sun Oven Review – Start to Finish

“I recently had the chance to talk to Paul Munson of Sun Oven International on the Survivalist Prepper Podcast about the Sun Oven and what it can do. Needless to say, I was very excited when the Sun Oven was shipped. This video goes through every step from un-boxing to cooking some lemon garlic pork … Read more

Commercial Solar Wall Ovens

Trinysol solar wall ovens can cook food for up to 60 people without fuel.
Trinysol solar wall ovens can cook food for up to 60 people without fuel.

We’ve previously reported on Barbara Kerr’s solar wall ovens for home use. They’ve been a favorite of mine for over a decade. Yesterday I just came across a larger version of this concept – a commercial size solar wall oven by Gregor Schaper over at

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Solar Food Steamer

Solar steamers efficiently steam food and produce distilled and pasteurized water.
Solar steamers efficiently steam food and produce distilled and pasteurized water.

“As the solar steamer is using steam as heat transfer medium, it is an indirect cooking system. This allows the design of a split system where the thermal solar collector can be placed at some distance (e.g. on the roof) apart from the place of cooking (e.g. in the kitchen). The cook is not exposed to the sunshine and can use the steam at whatever height or location is convenient and culturally acceptable.

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