I’ve always driven small efficient vehicles and fully support reducing costs, saving energy and reducing pollution, but there’s a reasonable limit to how flimsy you can go. An Indian car company makes what could be the flimsiest car in the world. They use a 3-wheeled tuk tuk frame and build a box on top. To give you an idea how cheap they are, they only cost about $1,000. This Indian car can be pushed over by a man or a gust of wind. You can see the crashes online. Vehicles like this would definitely take the fun out of driving for me.
Compare this poorly balanced lightweight vehicle to a much more stable solar golf cart such as the Kudo Cart.
Kelly: It is remarkable that they can sell such a vehicle at that price. I went to the company’s website and they have all kinds of three wheeled vehicles for sale below $1000. I spent more than that on my electric bike (which I love by the way… it is my first choice for getting around town.) They all seem to be powered by small gas engines.
Related story: Affordable Green Transport Options – Taxi Apps and E-bikes https://naturalbuildingblog.siterubix.com/affordable-green-transport-options-taxi-apps-and-e-bikes/