Former rocket scientist and mud-home builder Kristina Turiya shared a video on Tik Tok of one of her many projects. She made a shower out of mud, sand, straw, bamboo, and lime. It’s completely waterproof without any use of plastic, sealant, or cement because of the Tadelakt technique (a lime plaster technique from ancient Morocco that requires stone burnishing). “I spent only $100,” Kristina tells her viewers.
Tadelakt is a very uncommon skill nowadays. When a follower asked where to hire these craftsmen, Kristina responded, “You have to look for tadelakt specialists or do it on your own!” She further said her technique took lots of experimenting and failure. Tadelakt takes patience, trial and error, and meticulous timing, but it is worth it as the results will last a lifetime.
On her YouTube channel she shares:
My name is Kristina. I am a Harvard and MIT grad and former Rocket Scientist building my own home off-grid in Panama! On our permaculture farm, I experiment with natural building techniques from around the world — from Morocco and India to West Africa and China. I teach locals natural building techniques. I am making a natural building school and permaculture education center, to conserve ancient wisdom, promote organic farming and sustainable living, and keep the local indigenous community employed. We are a 501c3 non-profit and plan to restore the deforested county we live in, an action which is threatening local water supplies and species. We hope you enjoy following our journey and learn various ways to incorporate the bliss of nature into your life in small ways!
You can read the original article at
Es una técnica interesante hay un link en español para estudiarla y mirar su aplicabilidad y adaptarla en nuestro territorio, Colombia, Riohacha, La Guajira, en donde yace la Península de la Guajira (en wayunaikü: Woumainpa’a) es la parte más septentrional de Suramérica, en donde se ubica el semidesierto de la Guajira, hábitat de la Etnia Wayuu, cuasi-seminómadas. Me gustaria profundizar mas sobre la técnica Tadelakt, Mujer un gran abrazote, saludos y cuidese.
It is an interesting technique, there is a link in Spanish to study it and look at its applicability and adapt it in our territory, Colombia, Riohacha, La Guajira, where the Guajira Peninsula lies (in Wayunaikü: Woumainpa’a) is the northernmost part of South America, where the Guajira semi-desert is located, habitat of the Wayuu Ethnic Group, quasi-semi-nomadic. I would like to go into more depth about the Tadelakt technique, Woman, a big hug, greetings and take care.