From NaturalHomes.org:
This is pattern No.74, ‘Animals’. Create a piece of protected common land where animals are free to graze with grass and trees and water. There is balance to this pattern worth considering for both the individual and the community. These are Danish geese at ‘Land of Legends’, a partly inhabited model Iron Age village built in 1964, where they do research in to things such as open fire air quality, plant ecology and traditional crafts.
‘A Pattern Language’, by Christopher Alexander, is my all time favourite book on architecture. It’s difficult to explain what it’s about so I’m going to do it with pictures. A pattern language is a collection of 253 things that make your living environment a pleasure. It’s going to take time but I hope you will enjoy the journey with me. I will keep the pictures from different natural homes around the world in pattern numerical order. You can put the collection in your blog if you like. It’s available here: http://naturalhomes.org/show/pattern/getslide.htm
Source: A Pattern Language of Natural Homes
NaturalHomes.org home page
Loved the whole slideshow, especially the one shot of the stained glass roof or skylight area. I could happily live in any of the homes featured.
A beautiful book (A Pattern Language} and a very beautiful picture !!! A home like that speaks to the soul in a way no contractor built house can.
The difference is like night and day.