Some natural builders may be interested in building houses for profit. One suggestion is to find out what people want in your area. And so we’re going to look at a few houses here. This is what people are buying. These houses are made with brick, concrete and tile, but you could build the same thing, the same exact style using earthbags, straw bales, adobe, whatever. You know this is what people want and so you don’t have to worry as much about selling the house. Just build what people want. These houses are very affordable. You see they’re using a carport instead of a garage; no closets, no upper cabinets. The size is 24’x36′ (864 interior square feet). So they’re very small, very simple houses on small lots.
My Naturalhouse’s Channel now has 71 short videos on natural building. Due to the overwhelmingly positive response (about 150,000 upload views as of today), I’m planning to add many more videos.
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