Charlie and Meg’s Roundhouse Facebook Page

Charlie and Meg’s roundhouse under construction
Charlie and Meg’s roundhouse under construction

Note from Charlie and Meg whose house is being threatened with demolition by building authorities:
“Hi, just a quick update for all the folk asking what the latest news is. Currently we’re still living in the house and waiting on a decision from Pembrokeshire County Council regarding our retrospective application. We’re feeling fairly confident that everything will be o.k in the end. We’ll update everyone, as soon as we hear anything. These kind of things have been known to drag on for years… in the mean time, life goes on. Thanks for all the words of support! Bless up and get building.”

Daily Mail
Moon to Moon

2 thoughts on “Charlie and Meg’s Roundhouse Facebook Page”

  1. I went to their Facebook and left them a message saying that the world is behind them and that they have a very large family of supporters out here. I wish them the very best.


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