Earthbag/Strawbale Houses in Snohomish County, Washington

Today’s post is from Global Family

“We decided we are going to build an Earthbag and Straw Bale house. Why am I announcing this? Because we believe the time is close to finding reasonably priced land, and to take advantage of the Federal and State benefits provided for energy conservation and sustainable living. The Federal government knows that the people need to change their lifestyles for any recovery to work, so the Feds are trying to funnel as much money as they can to people who sincerely are trying to make a difference.

Here’s how the project would work: If four or five couples are thinking about building a sustainable house (one built with earthbags and/or straw bales), they would form a team or group. Property would be individually purchased and reasonably close, geographically. Preferably in the same County. One of the advantages of this type of construction is that you can do most of the construction yourself. So these eight to ten people will build one house at a time. Sort of like an old fashioned barn raising. Or like a construction crew. I’ve seen this type of “community house building” work very well in Argentina and Brazil.”

You can read the full article at Global Family

9 thoughts on “Earthbag/Strawbale Houses in Snohomish County, Washington”

  1. We are looking to build our own earth bag home soon we already own the land but are over here in Yakima county wa. We aren’t really sure where to start with making everything legal so we can just begin building any guidance would be appreciated we already have an engineered plan we are going to buy not making one ourselves.

    • Usually the best place to start is at the office of the local building department that is charge of that jurisdiction; they can certainly tell you what is needed to make it legal.

  2. A prominent engineering firm that is licensed in 27 U.S. states is now offering engineering services for earthbag construction in both seismic and non-seismic areas around the world. You can read their pages related to this service at

    Good Luck!

  3. Please also check out
    The earthbag construction there is phenominal and they are putting together packages for clients including CD/Books etc.
    Nice set

  4. That is actually a good idea. A friend and I are contmeplating moving out to the Denver, CO area this summer and starting an earth home company. We were going to buy a couple lots of land and each build our own earth bag homes incorporating geothermal and solar power as well. Basically, this would kill two birds with one stone; we’d each finally have our own self sustaining earth home and we’d have two spec/model homes to show to potential home owners/buyers. Getting a community of people together to build earth homes would definately be a great way to get them off the ground. Even cooler would be to see a community of earth homes blossom out in the country. Right now, the only hurdle I see so far is finding an engineer to approve the earth homes. After that, I’m sure everything else will be a breeze :)


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