Eco-friendly Roof Styles to Give a Distinct Look to Your House

Have a Standalone Look with Solar Powered Roof
Have a Standalone Look with Solar Powered Roof

“Everyone loves to have a dwelling quite exclusive from others. But constructing a new house or even reconstructing any portion of it is a daunting task. Consider the roof styles – so many modern designs and trends are there now. Why don’t you explore some eco-friendly options for new roof? You can enjoy so many advantages of these roof styles. Eco-friendly roofs are energy-efficient, durable, environment friendly and also a great insulator for your home.

Take a quick look at these ecological roof styles suitable for your residence… Who knows you might find one of your choices!

Energy efficient products are gaining wide popularity in the modern world. That is why solar panels are used so extensively in this modern era. Another important reason for its fame is its price which is pretty lower now. If you like to use solar panels on your roof, you do not have to make any vast change or completely demolish the roof; rather you only have to add the panels to the existing roof styles. Doing this you can save a good deal of your fund.

Keep Your House Calm and Comfortable with Cool Roofs
Keep Your House Calm and Comfortable with Cool Roofs

You can opt for cool roof style. Do you know what it is? These roofs are usually light colored or white color having the capability of reflecting the rays of the sun thereby making your dwelling cool. Since these roof types can reduce the temperature of your home and keep it cool in summer days. This indirectly will save the energy bill. To make it more eco-friendly, you can use metal for constructing your roof.

Green Roofs can Enhance the Greenery of your House
Green Roofs can Enhance the Greenery of your House

You must have heard of green roofs. Haven’t you? There are a number of advantages which make green roofs the first choice for house owners at present. These green roof offer extra insulation and keep your house cool in summer months, they refresh the surrounding air and also soak up maximum amount of water during storms. So, you can very well understand how helpful it will be to have green roof for your dwelling. Besides all these functionalities, these roof styles also add an ethnic style to your home exterior décor.

If you install this roof, you have to maintain it on a regular basis and some sort of irrigation is also needed. You can enjoy green roof, provided you take a little care.

So, which of the roof designs suit your taste and preference? Install any of the roofs and give your house a unique look.

Author’s Bio: Mary is a student who takes interest in writing articles on architectural features like Fibreglass Grating plus GRP Grating and home decoration and refurbishments. Her writing contains interesting tips.
Summary: Roof designs and styles have reached a certain degree of innovation in recent times. Some of the roof styles are discussed here.

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7 thoughts on “Eco-friendly Roof Styles to Give a Distinct Look to Your House”

  1. Owen:

    If you’re planning on a blog post about Bermuda Roofs, I guess I’ll pass along one of the better documents I’ve discovered about the topic. Hopefully you’ll find it helpful and informative.

    It’s very easy to get lost when searching the web for information about Bermuda Roofs. There are a lot of fake commercial products that claim to be Bermuda Roofs that really aren’t. Too many people get misled, I think.

    This document is about the traditional Bermuda Roof, and shows a lot of detail about construction.

    (On a site note, not directly about roofs, you might enjoy going to this website’s home page and browsing through links about Bermuda’s architectural heritage and ecosystem. )

    • Good, thanks. Finding good info about Bermuda roofs is challenging. That’s why the story was put on a back burner. I’ll check this out.

  2. For those that may not be familiar, here is a good video showing the Bermuda Roof.

    There are roofs on the island of Bermuda that have withstood hurricanes for 400 years, and are still collecting rainwater for drinking. Not only that, but with that blinding white color, they are probably the best cool roof that can be constructed.

    Natural material–Non-Toxic to keep rainwater ready for drinking–Cool Roof–Long Lasting–Hurricane resistant–and stunningly beautiful.

    It might just be the perfect roof system.

  3. I have always wanted to build a Bermuda Roof.

    I have suggested them many times to people I have helped or worked for, but nobody has been willing to try it… YET.

    Limestone around my part of the world is abundant. It seems to be a natural choice that is very underutilized in this area.

    Properly built and maintained, it should last for centuries.

    • People in general are very slow to change. Most people don’t know how to build these kind of roofs and so they keep doing what they know.


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