Can Wood be Used to Self-Shape Structures?

Wood is inherently imprecise. Its grain reverses and swirls. Trauma and disease manifest in scars and knots. Instead of viewing these natural tendencies as liabilities, Achim Menges, an architect and professor at the University of Stuttgart in Germany, sees them as wood’s greatest assets. Menges and his team at the Institute for Computational Design and … Read more

New Hempcrete Products

Italian construction company BIOmat Canapa has created a 100% natural and recyclable brick, crafted from a blend of lime and canapulo, with exceptional insulation properties while combating humidity.  Canapulo is a specialized hemp variety cultivated specifically for construction. Lime acts as a vital binding agent, ensuring cohesion and bolstering the overall strength of hemp bricks. … Read more

Ten Homes Using Straw From Around the World

Straw has a long history as a building material, finding application in thatch roofs, as a binding agent in adobe bricks and cob, as insulation, and in straw bale construction. Straw, a renewable, recyclable, regionally available, and low-cost material, offers a climate-friendly alternative to conventional building materials. Indeed, straw provides a viable solution to decarbonizing … Read more