Living Tiny Legally: Part 1

This video documents a groundbreaking moment in tiny house/natural building history by showing how tiny houses and tiny house communities can be legally built within US cities. Please ‘like’ and share this video with your friends.

“Living Tiny Legally is a 3 part educational docu-series. It provides an in-depth, inside look into how a handful of cities from all over the country are making legal tiny housing a reality.

An Educational Resource for Tiny House Advocates and City Officials

Part 1: Groundbreaking Progress + Model Tiny House Zoning
An in-depth look at how communities, including Fresno and Ojai (CA), and Rockledge (FL) are turning tiny via innovative zoning. Policy makers share their methods and insights to demystify the planning & zoning process. Advocates provide a better understanding of the tiny house movement and benefits tiny homes could bring your community.”

Tiny House Expedition
I want to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped produce this excellent landmark documentary. As explained in the video, the legal template for doing this is now worked out and this could spread very quickly in many other cities. (Things are always difficult the first time around, but it’s easy to copy others.) It’s refreshing to see some city planners and administrators who are willing to deal with the overwhelming need of affordable housing and actually produce workable solutions. As reported earlier, there were over 40,000 attendees at last year’s Tiny House Jamboree in Colorado Springs. That’s just one medium sized city. Just imagine the level of interest across the country.

9 thoughts on “Living Tiny Legally: Part 1”

  1. WAY TO GO!

    just finished watching this documentary. WOW!

    Fact Filled. and full of folks who understand that the future of our housing and livelihoods looks very different than it used to .

    AND bringing in the permaculture aspects of this. FOOD FORESTS/”Agrihoods”/Permie neighborhoods!

    Another aspect of this movement is houses which are site built, such as the Habitat For Humanity tiny homes.

    I personally prefer Hiperadobe round and multisided homes, so that the homes are more round/ish and less rectilinear.
    and more disaster resistant!


  2. Hi Owen,

    thank you for keeping us all posted about the Tiny House Movement and the TIny Jamboree.

    Also, Alexis and Christopher are doing wonderful service to film/document the legalizing aspects of this movement.

    MUCH thanks to all of us for perservering in this Forward Movement.

  3. I don’t get the big attraction of putting it on wheels. I have a tiny house on my property. I don’t live on it year around and that is the trick. It would be outside the zoning regs for me to do so. Perhaps we can fight that in the future.

    • They do it to get around (circumvent) the building codes. If the house is on wheels then by code it is not considered a permanent structure. And, if there are problems, the home can be moved.

    • One thing I’ve learned is how things take a looong time. People are slow to change. I think in this instance the circumstances (demand, slow economy, lack of affordable housing, etc.) are so great that even bureaucrats could see what needs to be done.

  4. Update on the Tiny House Jamboree in CO Springs mentioned above. The event coordinator just informed me that roughly 50,000 people attended this year’s event. That clearly shows a groundswell of interest in tiny houses. And, of course, as more communities legalize tiny houses then the interest could skyrocket. Think of all the people that can’t afford or don’t want to buy a big house. Think of all the seniors who want to downsize and all those who want to live more simply.

  5. This may be the story of the year for natural building. It’s certainly great news. I had just sent our new PDF The Best of the Natural Building Blog to the editor. After hearing this news I had to tell him to stop and add this story. This free PDF will be available soon. Stay tuned.


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