Migrating Culture Earthbag Chalet

Earthbag Chalet in Ghana by Migrating Culture
Earthbag Chalet in Ghana by Migrating Culture

Sometimes I go back and research previous projects to see if there’s any news. I was pleasantly surprised to see the NGO Migrating Culture making excellent progress in Ghana. Earlier we profiled their Mahali Project. Since then they’re gone on to build other projects include this very nice modern earthbag home called the Aseseeso Project. You can see a slideshow of the entire build.
The Aseseeso earthbag chalet under construction. Note how it’s built on sloping ground.
The Aseseeso earthbag chalet under construction. Note how it’s built on sloping ground.

Eco + Logical Solutions — MIGRATING CULTURE is an African / American design campaign creatively established in 2006 with key projects in Ghana- West Africa. Idealistically the original concept in 2006 was to organize a consortium of artisans that would enable a cultural exchange both locally (Ghana) and worldwide. To showcase their skills, techniques and trades in an effort to produce modern solutions to a variety of the challenges that confront developing communities; with emphasis on rural applications, due to the abundance of both human and natural resources present.

4 thoughts on “Migrating Culture Earthbag Chalet”

    • In climates with extreme temperatures it is best to insulate the solid earthen walls on the outside with some other insulating material. Or the bags can be filled with an insulating material, such as crushed lightweight volcanic stone, perlite, or rice hulls.

  1. I reached out to these folks after your first post to see if they could offer any advice on my own project, but I didn’t really get any good information from them aside from ‘try it yourself and see what you can come up with.’ Would have loved for them to be able to come up north and do a hands-on build/training so myself and some local artisans could get the feel for it with some guidance as we work.

    They have some really cool stuff that they’ve worked on! Glad to see there are at least some like-minded folks working here.

    • We have loads of free information on various platforms: blog posts, videos, Instructables… Our main website at Earthbag Building.com archives all the best articles, videos, testing reports, etc. Plus we sell ebooks and a DVD if you want to save time with the distilled version.


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