Sawdust Stoves

Handmade barrel stove provides 8 hours of heating and cooking with one load of sawdust — smokeless and unattended. All gases go up the chimney. He heats over 1000 ft2 of uninsulated building. The basic idea can be scaled up to industrial sized heaters and dryers or scaled down for cooking and camping. Other materials such as rice hulls can be used instead of sawdust.

Source: Sawdust Stove

Sawdust Stove
25Ltr Drum Sawdust Burner mark1 part1
Tanzanian Stoves Burn Sawdust and Rice Hulls
Sawdust Stove Build #1
Sawdust Stove of a Hungarian
Sawdust Stove Upgrade 2 Tins
Making a Sawdust Heater part 1
Sawdust Burner Central Heating System Stage 1
Making a Sawdust Cooker
Mayon Cooking Stove Burns Sawdust and Rice Hulls
How to Make a Sawdust Cooker
Sawdust Burner
Sawdust Stove 2011
Bean Can Sawdust Stove Mark3
Sawdust Burner Camping Fuel
Sawdust Heating

7 thoughts on “Sawdust Stoves”

  1. My name is Lucas Dominic Kimosola. Proffesionaly, I am a Mechanical Engineer, handcaped after following right leg above knee amputation due to diabates foot. I am coming from Tanzania. We are growing rice in our area, so we have plenty rice husk. In order to save tree following excessive use of firewood and charcoal, I want to make Rice Husk Cooking Stove. Can you assist me on that?

    Lucas Dominic Kimosola

  2. Very good idea. If you live close to a mill, they may give you all the fuel you’ll ever need. Not all saw dust is used for compressed wood paneling etc. I suppose you could use some of their bark that’s been removed as well. That too is not always used for something else.

  3. About using rice hulls instead of sawdust — when I looked into house insulation, I read that rice hulls are difficult to burn. Do they do ok in a barrel stove?

    • According to numerous videos rice hulls will work, although I haven’t tested this yet.

      Update: I plan to test this on a small scale. If this works then we’ll have free fuel if we want.

  4. These are the best videos I could find. Let me know if you find any other good videos or info.

    More links:
    Mother Earth News (good article with drawings)
    “The rate of consumption is about an inch and a half to two inches per hour (the figure varies slightly with the quality of the fuel and how tightly it’s packed). A stove one foot in diameter will burn about six hours, and one eight inches across will operate long enough to cook a meal and produce some hot water to wash the pots and pans.”

    VITA technical bulletin on sawdust stoves

    Double-drum sawdust stove
    (short version of VITA instructions?)

    ECHO appropriate technology report on sawdust cookstoves

    Appropedia sawdust stoves

    How to Build a Sawdust Stove


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